Malaysia Hit by Tidal Waves...
Saw the news this morning "Waves of Death" - The Star ; never come across my mind that it will happen in Malaysia.One must wonder why our very peaceful country will be hit by such disaster since the earthquake happen in Sumatra.It was the tidal waves that killed so many in Malaysia. What cause the tidal waves to reach the shore of Malaysia? In every earthquake that happens, not all is capable of producing tidal waves. Only those that is over 7.7 on the Ritcher scale is capable to do so.And for the one that happen is Sumatra, is 9.02 on the Ricther scale. That is why the tidal waves causes such a huge impact. This earthquake is consider as the fifth largest earthquake since 1900 and the largest since 1964.
How you can help ?
Donations can be made to help the quake victims by :
1. Cheques can be made out to the Malaysian Red Cresent Society (MRCS) and marked Tidal Waves Victims at the back of the cheques to be forwarded to the National Press Club (NPC) or to any of the MRCS offices.
Inquiries can be directed to 03-4257 8122.
2. Mercy is appealing for public support in the form of cash and cheques for further deployment to affected areas (Indonesia). Cheque contributions can be made out to Mercy Humanitarian Fund, with “South-East Asia
Earthquake Appeal” written on the back of the cheques. Donations can be deposited directly to Mercy Malaysia Maybank Account No: 5621 7950 4126. All donations are tax exempted.
Do check out newspaper or broadcast news for more info and updates on the tragedy.
My condolences goes to all the family that was hit by this tragedy.
Fong Shang, if you are reading this, please sms me or give me a call to let me know you are alright.I have been trying to contact you since morning.